Facebook Company Tab & Facebook Brand Tab

A one-stop content destination for your brand. Curated by you and your fans.

Create a more engaging experience for your Facebook visitors by introducing Votigo's Brand Tab application - which can feature your business as a whole or one of your brands - on a dedicated tab within your Facebook page. This application displays news and social feeds, media and other custom communications relevant to your brand. Dedicate it as your default tab, serving as a frequently-updated hub for all brand content, including:

  • Facebook status updates from your administrator
  • Facebook fan comment stream
  • RSS feeds of company blog posts
  • Twitter stream
  • Photo and Video static upload and display
  • Geo-location
  • Polls
  • User submissions and comments
  • Viral tools including Invite Friends, Share +, and Like Gating
  • Custom content

Content can be static, or real-time and continuously updated, and moderated by your Facebook page administrator via our simple CMS tool. Functionality includes an option for content approval prior to posting.

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