Video Contests

Grow Your Audience with Video Contests.

Video Contests
Video contests, Hashtag campaigns,
Instagram contests
Run your social video contests on
your website, blog, and mobile. Be everywhere.
Collect great User-generated content.
Build brand and product awareness.
Engage your fans!
Mobile Optimized
Mobile Optimized
Create a website that looks great on any device.
  • All the elements are designed to support responsive structure.
  • Just do the web design and we will automatically make your sites mobile responsive.
Moderate Entries
Moderate Your Entries
Validate-Invalidate submissions before they appear in your gallery.
  • Get the full control on entry submissions by moderating entries before they appear on your campaign.
  • Edit individual entry details.
Data Export
Integrate With 3rd Party Tools
Convert traffic into leads, and leads into sales by integrating with
a number of email marketing services. Mailchimp, Madmimi,
Constantcontact, Aweber and more.
Analytics and Reports
Analytics and Reports
Download reports and track your campaign success with advanced campaign analytics and insights.
  • View campaign engagement and individual page views
  • Check from which location most of your traffic comes from